If we divide the people of the world in two groups and in one group you have the most beautiful of people. It's a delight to meet them. In any given day just meeting with them is enough to make you feel good about yourself. Even in the days that are kinda dreadful and you do not want to get out of bed.
And then you have the people whom you wouldn't put into that category. Folks who just exist. Meeting them do not make you feel better about yourself or the world.
Let me tell you, Sophie would obviously fall into the first category and I would fall into the 2nd one.
I cannot remember, ever seeing her in stress. Even if she was stressed or had a lot in her mind - it would never spill out of her being. Never.
She has her emotions always in check, restrained. She is warm and kind. She has beautiful eyes. She has beautiful eyes - that sparks with kindness.
Sometime we eat together in the same table. All the people sit in the benches, take the food, eat, talk. Even if people are stressed, she knows to ask the right questions to keep people talking. She doesn't say much about herself but she listens, like really listens. And you feel good about yourself, when someone listen to yourself. If ever there were a contest to be had for whomever could listen with most patience, she would be the undisputed winner.
When I needed some help with moving my stuff to the new apartment, she helped me, she did not had to, but she did it anyway - I don't know why. We load all the packages to a car she brought and she drove it to the new apartment.
She knows how to make other people feel good. This quality is extremely hard to find. How can you have that - I have no idea.
But I cannot but imagine that she is not always happy and cheerful. There is deep dark sadnes probably inside of her as well - just like most people in this world. Just like the Butler from the Kazuo Ishiguro Novel "The remains of the Day"
She showed me kindness and I somehow thought that we could be friends, how silly of me.
From time to time I also question myself, is it true or am I just making things up in my mind.
I wanna be her friend. But I don't think I have to tell you that - it's never gonna happen.